
Faculty-led symposium to explore practices for teaching large classes

Instructors from across campus will come together to explore and exchange effective practices in large-class teaching at “Effectively Teaching in Large Classes: A Symposium of Ideas,” on Friday, November 18.

Organized by faculty members Judy Bornais of nursing and Julie Smit of biological sciences, the event came about as each of them was independently planning to bring a speaker on the topic to campus.

“When we discovered we were on the same track, we thought, why not make a full day of it?” says Bornais.

Elizabeth Dillon, Jason KiernanUWindsor nursing student Elizabeth Dillon nominated her professor Jason Kiernan for the teaching award he won from the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing.

Creative teacher wins provincial recognition

UWindsor nursing professor Jason Kiernan won a teaching excellence award from the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing.

seatbelt buckle

Healthcare improvement seminar to cast nurses as safety devices

Seatbelts aren’t just for vehicles anymore. A seminar Wednesday, March 2, will discuss the role of nurses as “the seatbelt of healthcare.”

Annette Scott, a clinical nurse specialist in pediatric intensive care from the University of Michigan’s Mott Children’s Hospital, will present at 11:30 a.m. in room 203, Toldo Health Education Centre.

nursing students and instructorThe UWindsor nursing program received the maximum seven-year term accreditation.

Accreditation confirms quality of nursing programs

Accreditation by the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing is a testament to the continued quality of the UWindsor BScN program and its faculty, students and graduates.