
Tongzhe LiPublic resistance can scupper plans to use recycled wastewater to conserve freshwater, says economics professor Tongzhe Li.

Economist to probe resistance to water recycling

Public resistance can scupper plans to use recycled wastewater to conserve freshwater, says economics professor Tongzhe Li.

Dean of science Chris Houser leads a line of University faculty, students, and officialsDean of science Chris Houser (left) leads a line of University faculty, students, and officials to autograph the final steel beam before it was added to the top of the science research and innovation building under construction west of Essex Hall.

Ceremony marks milestone in science building construction

A “topping off” ceremony Wednesday marked a key milestone in the construction of the new science research and innovation building.

Nigel HusseyUWindsor researcher Nigel Hussey spoke to The Society for Marine Mammalogy about advancing an ecosystem field approach to understand and manage aquatic predators during its 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Halifax on Thursday, October 26.

Researcher makes waves at marine mammal conference

UWindsor researcher Nigel Hussey gave an address at the biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy.