
Siyaram PandeyThe Ontario Medical Association has awarded UWindsor biochemistry professor Siyaram Pandey honorary membership.

Province’s doctors honour UWindsor professor

The Ontario Medical Association has awarded UWindsor biochemistry professor Siyaram Pandey honorary membership.

Daniel HeathDaniel Heath is heading GEN-FISH, a four-year project that involves creating a genomic toolkit to assess the health of freshwater species. Fish farm operators and consultants hired to do environment assessments are already lining up to be among the first to use the new technology.

Fish genome project attracts early attention

UWindsor professor Daniel Heath heads a research project creating a genomic toolkit to assess the health of freshwater species.

person paying for groceries in storeCanada’s K-shaped recovery is deepening the lines between rich and poor, two UWindsor professors write in the Toronto Star.

Profs tout solutions to address income inequality

Canada’s K-shaped recovery is deepening the lines between rich and poor, two UWindsor professors write in the Toronto Star.

Graphic designed by SMArt member Paola FloresPhysics faculty will deliver webinars on their cutting-edge research projects to inspire undergraduates. Graphic designed by SMArt member Paola Flores, a chemistry student.

Webinar series to inspire physics enthusiasts

Physics faculty will deliver webinars on their cutting-edge research projects to inspire undergraduates.

Mike McKay working in labMike McKay, executive director of the Great Lake Institute for Environmental Research, is leading a research team using sewage as an early warning system to determine trends in COVID-19 infection rates.

UWindsor COVID research gets $300,000 funding boost

Mike McKay is leading a research team using sewage as an early warning system to determine trends in COVID-19 infection rates.