Speaker Series 2023 May 12th

Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation & Rhetoric along with the PhD in Argumentation Studies at the University of Windsor invite you to a talk by

Hans V. Hansen, CRRAR Fellow


Abstract: this paper distinguishes the activity of argumentation from theories of argumentation and considers their inter-relations. Whereas argumentation is a social activity in space and time, theories of argumentation are sets of propositions (including definitions and theorems) which have the role of helping us understand and evaluate the activity of argumentation. An overview of how we came to understand logical, dialectical and rhetorical perspectives as parts of argumentation theory is offered. Various attempts have been made to establish one of the three perspectives as grounding the other perspectives, as being foundational or basic in argumentation theory: that it should be the dialectical perspective (van Eemeren), that it should be the rhetorical perspective (Tindale), that it should be the logical/epistemological perspective (Siegel). This presentation queries the nature of these basing relationships and proposes a fourth possibility that grounds argumentation.


Friday, May 12, 2023

3:00 pm

Chrysler Hall North, 1163


This will be our final talk before September.