Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation & Rhetoric along with the PhD in Argumentation Studies at the University of Windsor invite you to a talk by
Waleed Mebane
PhD Argumentation Studies University of Windsor
“Allsembly: Software for computer support of large-group, collaborative public policy justification"
Online forums for discussion on issues of public concern have the potential to enable pervasive public involvement in democratic decision-making by facilitating communication across distance and time, but they have to be able to promote on-topic contribution and resist the influence of misinformation. The software prototype that I will present implements a system that is rule-based in a way similar to debate (and unlike informal discussions) and is also game-like. Automatically enforced rules are designed to regulate participants' contributions toward successfully meeting the goal of justifying a policy.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Weekly presentations conducted via Zoom. All those interested in attending should contact crrar@uwindsor.ca for the Zoom link.