Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation & Rhetoric along with the PhD in Argumentation Studies at the University of Windsor invite you to a talk by
Paula Olmos
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
“Nature and nurture in argumentative normativity”
Drawing on the recent work by J. Woods and C. Tindale on the “naturalization” and “socialization” of our standards of reason, I explore the possibilities of integrating certain insights of both broadly naturalistic agendas in accounting for the way argumentative normativity works in a variety of human interactive rational enterprises. I propose a stratified categorization of such practices (from the most quotidian to the most sophisticated) as calling for different levels of normative response, surfacing in the recognizable use of ever higher-degree modes of argument and increasing intensities of problematization. In these different levels of practices, standards of normativity may be just tacitly shown through argumentative behavior, expressed and made explicit in argument or, ultimately, discussed and challenged. Wittgenstein’s suggestions on the understanding of socially-recognized and factually followed normative practices might also help construe this integrative proposal.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Weekly presentations conducted via Zoom
All those interested in attending should contact crrar@uwindsor.ca