Group meeting with people of various ages and ethnicities

Multigenerational Workplaces

In today’s workforce, there are five distinct generations that impact unique values, expectations, and work styles. This diversity can lead to opportunities and challenges. Working in a multigenerational team impacts differences in motivation, rewards, feedback and recognition preferences. This class is designed to provide participants with best practices for communicating and collaborating across the generations.

Key learning objectives:

  • Identify the generational differences in the workplace and understand each generation's unique characteristics and values, including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation.
  • Analyze the impact of generational differences on communication styles, work ethics, motivation, and expectations and how these differences can cause conflicts and challenges in the workplace.
  • Develop effective strategies for communicating and collaborating across generational differences.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
11am - 1pm ET
Format: Online Classroom
Instructor: Diana Sarkis

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