Faculty Publications and Creative Works

Graduate Faculty (last 5 years only)

Asquith, K. (in press). How the advertising industry approaches legal cannabis: A trade press analysis. In E. West & M. P. McAllister (Eds.), The Routledge companion to advertising and promotional culture (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Asquith, K. (2021). The visual clichés of cannabis promotion on social media. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 38(4), 336–349.  

Asquith, K. (2021). Branding cannabis in Canada: Challenges for the Cannabis Act’s promotion restrictions. Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(1), 79–98.

Asquith, K., & Fraser, E. M. (2020). A critical analysis of attempts to regulate native advertising and influencer marketing. International Journal of Communication, 14, 5729–5749.

Asquith, K. (2018). (Ed.). Advertising, consumer culture, and Canadian society: A reader. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada.

Asquith, K. (2018). Influencer marketing, the commercial forces of social media celebrity, and challenges for Canadian advertising regulation. In K. Asquith (Ed.), Advertising, consumer culture, and Canadian society: A reader (pp. 207–224). Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press Canada.

Leiss, W., Kline, S., Jhally, S., Botterill, J., & Asquith, K. (2018). Social communication in advertising (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Brown, Brian. (forthcoming). The Boom in ‘Broken Windows’: Examining the place of digitized street art in post-industrial urban renewal. Architecture_MPS: Architecture, Media, Politics, Society.

Taylor, J., Bryant, S., and Brown, B. (2021). See me! Recognize me! An analysis of transgender media representation.”  Communication Quarterly, 69(2), 172-191.

Bryant, S. (2018).  The mediated experiences of our everyday/everynight lives. In Manzerolle, V. and Daubs, M. (Eds.), From here to ubiquity: Critical and international perspectives on mobile and ubiquitous media, (pp. 201-218).  New York: Peter Lang Publishing. 

Taylor, J., Bryant, S., and Brown, B. (2021). See me! Recognize me! An analysis of transgender media representation.”  Communication Quarterly, 69(2), 172-191.

Engle, K. (in press). Chronic Conditions. McGill-Queen's University Press. 

Campbell, Craig, K. Engle and Y.S. Wong, (Eds). (2021). Structures of Anticipation: A Workshop. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, 12 (1). [online] 

Darroch, M., K. Engle and L. Rodney. (Eds.). (2020). Sensing borders/sessentir les frontiers. Intermédialités: Histoire et Théorie des art, des lettres et des techniques/Intermedialities: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies, 34

Manzerolle, V., and Daubs, M. (f2018) “Mobile Transactional Cultures.” In G. Goggin and L. Hjorth (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Mobile Media (2nd). New York: Routledge. 

Manzerolle, V. (forthcoming) “Modes of connectivity: On money, markets, and media.” In A. L. Gregersen, E. I. Otto, M. A. Pedersen, A. M. Thorhauge, and J. Ørmen (Eds.), Provincializing the Platform: Rethinking the Political Economy of Digital Markets

Manzerolle, V. (forthcoming) Ubiquitous connectivity and virtual workplace: Everything, Everywhere, All the Time. New York: Routledge.

Manzerolle, V. (2024)  Border media: Contributions to a non-linear history of the Detroit River.” In D. Stirrup and J. Orr (Eds.), Line Dancing: Theorizing the Canada-U.S. Border. University of Edinburgh Press.

Manzerolle, V. (forthcoming). “The brain center beneath the interface: Grounding human-machine communication in infrastructure, information, and labour.” In R. Guzman, R. McEwen, & S. Jones (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Human-Machine Communication.  New York: Sage Publications.

Chapdelaine, P., Manzerolle, V., Darroch, M., & Morais, P. (2021). Media and communication theory and the regulation of the networked society [Special Issue]. Laws, 10(2).

Manzerolle, V., & Daubs, M. (2021). Friction-free authenticity: Mobile social networking and transactional affordances,” Media, Culture & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0163443721999953.

Meier, L., & Manzerolle, V.  (2019). Rising tides? Data capture, capital accumulation and new monopolies in the digital music economy,” New Media & Society, 21(3), 543-561.

Manzerolle, V. (2018). “Mobilizing the audience commodity 2.0: Digital labour and always-on media. In J. Yao & V. Mosco (Eds.), Media and digital labour: Western perspectives. Peterborough, Ontario: The Commercial Press.

Daubs, M., & Manzerolle, V. (Eds.) (2018). Mobile and ubiquitous media: Critical and international perspectives. New York: Peter Lang.

Manzerolle, V. (2018). Always on, always connected: Designing, branding, and marketing the Blackberry, 1997-2017. In K. Asquith (Ed.), Advertising, consumer culture & Canadian society: A reader, (pp. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada.

Rodney, L. (2021). “Sight and site on the line: the cultural imaginary of borderlands in North America.” In Victor Konrad and Melissa Kelly (eds.), Borders in globalization: culture, BiG Books series. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. 

Rodney, L., Darroch, M., Engle, K. (Eds.) (2020) “Sensing borders/ressentir les frontières,” Intérmedialités 34(12). 

Rodney, L. (2019). “Sites of dissensus: Sensing borders and affective states.” In Jean-Jacques Chardin (Ed.), Borders and spaces in the English-speaking world, RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines, no. 52.

Scatamburlo-D’Annibale, V. (forthcoming). Marx, Freire and Decolonization. In R. Hall, I. Accioly and K. Szadkowski (Eds.). International Handbook of Marxism and Education. London, U.K.: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Scatamburlo-D’Annibale, V. ( 2022). Political correctness: The right’s favourite bugaboo. In J. Petley and J. Steel (Eds.). Routledge companion to censorship and freedom of expression.  New York & London: Routledge.

Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, V. (2021). The manufactured "free speech" crisis. Critical Education, 12(8), pp. 1-25.

McLaren, P., Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, V. (2020.) Class dismissed? Historical materialism and the politics of 'difference.' In M. Pruyn, C. Malott and L. Huerta-Charles (Eds.), Tracks to infinity, the long road to justice: The Peter McLaren reader, vol. 2, pp. 197-216. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.

Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, V. (2019).  The 'culture wars' reloaded:  Trump, anti-political correctness and the right's 'free speech' hypocrisy. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 17(1), pp. 69-119.

Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, V., McLaren, P., Monzo, L. (2018).  The complexity of Spivak's project: A marxist interpretation. Qualitative Research Journal, 18(2), pp. 144-156.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer). (2024). Vampire Zombies…from Space! [Film]. The Dot Film Company. 

Stasko, M. (Producer). (Forthcoming). The Lion Behind Him [Film]. Serendipity Media, Suede Productions. 

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer). (Forthcoming). Kids on the Job [TV series]. Studio A Films.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director). (2018-2022). Reel Shorts: Windsor [TV series 5 seasons]. CBC. 

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer, Editor). (2019-2021). Boys vs. Girls [Film]. Mongrel Media, Gravitas Ventures.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Executive Producer). (2021). Windsor/Essex Showcase [TV series]. CFTV.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer). (2018-2020). Windsor Shorts [TV series]. CBC.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer). (April 14, 2019). Therapeutic Riding [TV series episode]. Land and Sea, CBC.

Stasko, M. (Producer, Director, Writer, Editor). (2018-2020). The Control [Film]. Freestyle Digital Media.

Virdi, J.  2019. Experiments in state incarceration: An undeclared emergency (Introduction to Indian Cinema, Special Section), Jump Cut 59.