student shaking hand with employer at job fair

Community Volunteer Fair

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
CAW Student Centre, Main Floor Commons
11 am - 2 pm

Are you passionate about making a meaningful impact in the community and considering a career in the non-profit sector? Join us at the Community Volunteer Fair to connect with local non-profit and publicly funded organizations to learn about available volunteer opportunities.

Register Here

Admission is free for UWindsor students from all year levels. Register in advance for event information and reminders (walk-ins are also welcome).

Gaining volunteer experience demonstrates a commitment to community involvement, ehances skills such as teamwork and communication, and provided practical experience that can set you apart from other candidates in the job market. Additionally, volunteering also offers networking opportunities and can sometimes lead to paid employment or professional references, making it a valuable investment for future career success. 

Want to improve your resume before the fair? UWindsor students and recent alumni can drop-in or book and appointment with the Career Centre. 

Preparing for the Community Volunteer Fair

Attending the Community Volunteer Fair is a chance to discuss your skills and interests and learn more about organizations and how volunteers contribute to their mission. Here are some tips for preparing for the fair:

Before the Fair 

  • Research volunteer fair attendees/organizations.
  • Explore their websites and social media pages to learn what they do. 
  • Register for the fair (advanced registration for this event is preferred but not required). 
  • Prepare your resume and print paper copies that you can provide to recruiters.   
  • Prepare your personal introduction and some questions you may want to ask the recruiters.   
  • Practice your handshake (it should be firm, but not too firm, and dry).  
  • Prepare your clothing, business casual attire is recommended.  

During the Fair

  • Wear clean, wrinkle free clothes (business casual is ideal), make sure you are well groomed and scent free.  A good first impression is important.   
  • Engage in conversation when encouraged to do so.   
  • Introduce yourself and use your introduction to quickly indicate key information for example your name, program of study, why you want to volunteer/how you hope to contribute to the organization (keep it short so that both you and recruiter can share information).  
  • Always allow the recruiter to finish speaking before responding to a question or asking a question.  
  • Ask questions about the volunteer roles, the organization and the best way to connect with them after the fair. 
  • Use positive body language and professional communication. 
  • Make notes after your interactions about the organizations, positions, application procedures, next steps, tips, follow up requirements, etc.  

After the Fair

  • Follow up with recruiters if they indicated that you should do so.  
  • If needed for the application process, revise each resume and cover letter based upon the information you have received.  
  • Mention in your cover letter that you talked with the recruiter during the Community Volunteer Fair.  
  • Apply to positions following instructions.  

Organizations attending the Community Volunteer Fair (exhibitor list to be updated regularly):

Every day, our volunteers enrich the lives of hundreds of patients and their families by giving generously of their time and contributing to the well-being of our healthcare community, the vitality of our services, and the quality of patients' experiences at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Representing diverse cultures, age groups, abilities and life experiences, our volunteers complement the professional role of our staff by enhancing services to patients and their families beyond the scope of regular patient care. Some are looking ahead to future careers in healthcare; others are looking back over the rich life experiences that have equipped them for their role as volunteers. Whatever their backgrounds, all of our volunteers are working to support the personal dignity, safety, security and quality care offered in our hospital.

Thinking about volunteering? All you need is a willingness to help people, a little time to share, and a desire to challenge yourself. Your gift of time and energy would be invaluable to our patients and staff.  Volunteers must be at least 16 years old by the start of their placement.

In partnership with families of young children aged birth to six. We assist families in overcoming obstacles such as living in poverty, social isolation, poor health and inadequate nutrition. We are looking for volunteers to run our Growing Gardeners program which takes place in the elementary school system.
CTMHV is non-profit organization, registered as a charity and operated by the Historic Vehicle Society of Ontario. Our mission is to preserve the past of Canada South for the education and interpretation of present and future generations. We have many volunteer opportunities such as Education Program Helper, Exhibits Help, Artifacts Cataloguing , Village/ Museum Tour Guide, Gift Shop Attendant , Event Support, Office Support, Construction, Vehicle Maintenance, Fundraising, Maintenance

The Downtown Mission is a Christian faith based organization with a focus on serving and advocating for those who struggle with poverty and homelessness. We Offer a wide range of volunteer opportunities.

Nothing improves a resident’s day more than the sight of a friendly face.

We are always looking for volunteers to assist with scheduled recreation programs, events and one-to-one visits. Our home’s volunteer services program is currently recruiting engaged, committed and community-minded people just like you.

Volunteer opportunities in Resident Engagement/Recreation.

From Fitness to Childcare, Newcomer Services to Camp, volunteering a small amount of time regularly can make a big difference to your community, your Y, and yourself. Every hour spent volunteering translates into more smiles for our participants and supports our Mission of building healthy communities. Whether you are looking for an opportunity to gain transferable skills to prepare you for your first job, or for a meaningful way to spend some of your free time. Not only will you gain valuable skills and experience, you'll also enjoy that incredible feeling of giving back.

Volunteer opportunities available in Program and Office Support.

Crime Stoppers is one step of a three part approach to solving the crime problem. Crime Stoppers relies on cooperation between the police, the media, and the general community to provide a flow of information about crime and criminals.

Volunteer opportunities for events such as parades, gold tournaments, and various events in Windsor and Essex county.

Providing education, support & services for people living with dementia and building dementia friendly communities.

Areas of volunteer involvement include: Adult Day Program Assistant Board of Directors Committee Member (Fundraising) Community Awareness Volunteer Office Assistant Special Events Helper.

Volunteer opportunities in Adult Literacy and Book Buddies programs.

Providing short break support for children with disabilities in Windsor and Essex County.  This includes supporting children to participate in activities in the community, at our respite homes and in their own homes. Direct Support Providers assist children and youth with all aspects of personal care and activities.

We manage the national blood system for Canada ensuring patients have access to the blood, plasma, stem cells and organs/tissues they need.

Blood Club - volunteers for executive team and team members to recruit peers to donate blood at the onsite blood donation events and into our Plasma Centre.

United Way aims to build stronger local communities through childhood poverty-reduction strategies which align with a Cradle to Career model. We need math and science tutors for our after-school academic support program for United Way's On Track to Success program which works in 6 Windsor-Essex high schools (4 high schools in Windsor, 2 in Leamington).

Guiding provides a safe, all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, to find their voice, meet new friends, have fun and make a difference in the world. Volunteering with girls in a unit-As a Guider you'll facilitate empowering, hands-on activities for girls ages 5-17 in your community in weekly meetings which run from fall until spring.

The Windsor-Essex Children?s Aid Society is dedicated to the well-being and safety of every child by advocating for, and partnering with, our children, families and communities. Volunteer opportunities include Mentors and Tutors.

Social Work Volunteers, Nursing Student Intern, Administrative Support.

As a community health centre, weCHC continuously aims to support the people of Windsor and Essex County by offering equitable, safe, quality care that is client-centered and close to home. Chronic Disease Management Program Volunteer - assist with exercise classes for clients with chronic conditions (ex. arthritis, Parkinson's, stroke etc.) to help improve functional abilities (cardiovascular endurance, balance, strength, flexibility etc.).

Non-Profit Organization serving Newcomers to Canada, job seekers, Children & Youth and Seniors. Various opportunities including Lend A Hand (Home Maintenance), Youth Group and Classroom assistance, Security Check & Friendly Visiting, Meals on Wheels drivers, etc.

We are committed to supporting people with an intellectual disability to achieve their goals and dreams; empowering them to flourish as full citizens who are valued in their community.

We have many volunteer opportunities at events such as e-Bingo, Ruthven AppleFest, Jingle bell walk, run and wheel, golf tournaments, and many other events held throughout the year.

SMART Exercise Program; Adult Day Program; Bingo; Meals on Wheels Driver/Server; Community Corporation: Board Director volunteers needed.

RFSOO is a non-profit organization that provides resources to all francophone women that have faced domestic violence through counselling, transitional housing, outsourcing and through community connection. Earn handson skills within the social work field, increase office experience, opportunity to shadow social workers in the field, complete basic office work, build on communication skills, build on french language skills. This is a bilingual opportunity.