Prayer Tools Lectio Divina

Prayer Tools: Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina means divine reading and is a way of becoming immersed in the Scriptures very personally. 


Set aside some time, choose a passage (maybe the upcoming Sunday Gospel reading), and pray a prayer of invitation. This invitation prayer can be simple, inviting God into this time of prayer and opening your heart to His Word.

Step 1: Lectio (Read)

The first time you read the passage, it’s time to get acquainted. Listen carefully for a word or phrase that stands out. Don’t feel the need to force things, but let God guide this time.

Step 2: Meditatio (Reflect or meditate)

The second reading of the same passage focuses further on the points you noticed in the first reading. You could even narrow it down and only re-read a few verses.

Then I’ll reflect on what I believe God is saying to me at that moment. Each time you do this with the same reading, you may be drawn to something different based on a difference circumstance in your life. Try not to analyze or study, just notice and reflect

Step 3: Oratio (Pray)

After a third reading, it’s time to respond in prayer. You could choose to record in a journal or formulate your thoughts in how you might respond to what you noticed in the first two readings.

You can ask questions, relate to past experience, connect it to a moment in your life, etc. All in speaking with God.

Step 4: Contemplatio (Contemplate and Rest)

After the final reading, spend some time, maybe 10 minutes, in silent contemplation. This isn’t a time of prayer or meditation. You don’t do the work here, just sit quietly and allow God to work. When your mind starts to wander and dart here and there, just bring it gently back to stillness again.

Want to read more? Check out paragraphs 86-87 in Pope Emeritis Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini on the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.