Mahmood Mohebshahedin CV

Mahmood Mohebshahedin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Finance
519-253-3000 ext. 4263
Office: OB 433


  • Ph.D.  Concordia University, Montreal, Finance, 2016.
  • M.B.A.  University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
  • B.A.  Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Industrial Engineering, 2004.

Employment Experience 

  • Associate Professor, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor (July 2022-Present)
  • Assistant Professor, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor (July, 2016-June 2022)
  • Lecturer, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University (January, 2012-December, 2015), Montreal.

Honours and Awards 

  • 2018:  Professor of the Year (Finance), Odette Commerce Society (undergraduate students).



  • Kryzanowski, L. & Mohebshahedin, M. (2020). Transparency and fund governance efficacy: The effect of the SEC's disclosure rule on advisory contracts. Journal of Corporate Finance, 62,
  • Ayadi, M. A., Kryzanowski, L., & Mohebshahedin, M. (2017).  Impact of sponsorship on fixed-income fund performance.  Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
  • Kryzanowski, L., & Mohebshahedin, M. (2016).  Board governance, monetary interest, and closed-end fund performance.   Journal of Corporate Finance, 38 (2016), 196-217,


  • Mohebshahedin, M. & Lotfalie, B. (2021, July). Capital structure of closed-end funds: A shadow cost of regulatory leverage constraint. Risk Management Conference, 14th annual, National University of Singapore.
  • Mohebshahedin, M (2020). Capital structure of closed-end funds: A shadow cost of regulatory leverage.  Eastern Financial Association annual conference (virtual).
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2020). Capital structure of closed-end funds: A shadow cost of regulatory leverage.  Financial Management Association 2020 Virtual Congress.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2019, April). Transparency and fund governance efficacy: The effect of the SEC's disclosure rule on advisory contracts.  Eastern Finance Association conference, Miami.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2017, June). Transparency and fund governance efficacy: The effect of the SEC's disclosure rule on advisory contracts.  European Financial Management Association conference, Athens, Greece.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2016, October). Transparency and efficacy of fund governance: the effect of the SEC's disclosure rule for advisory contracts.  Financial Management Association International annual meeting, Las Vegas.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2016, June). Transparency and efficacy of fund governance: the effect of the SEC's disclosure rule for advisory contracts.  Financial Management Association European conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2016, March). Board Governance, Monetary Interest, and Closed-end Fund Performance.  Midwest Finance Association annual conference, Atlanta.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2015, October). Impact of sponsor ownership on fixed-income fund performance.  Financial Management Association International annual meeting, Orlando.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2014, September). Impact of sponsor ownership on fixed-income fund performance.  Northern Finance Association, Ottawa.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2014, June). Impact of sponsor ownership on fixed-income fund performance.  Multinational Finance Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Mohebshahedin, M. (2014, June). Impact of sponsor ownership on fixed-income fund performance.  European Financial Management Association, Rome, Italy.

Grants (Competitive; Funded only) 

  • 2019: Transparency and fund governance efficacy: The effect of the SEC’s disclosure rule on advisory contracts.  ($6,000) Odette School of Business Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) grant.
  • 2019: SSHRC Exchange grant ($1,000), University of Windsor.
  • 2017: SSHRC Exchange grant ($1,000), University of Windsor.
  • 2016: SSHRC Exchange grant ($1,000), University of Windsor.