Russell Evans CV

Russell A. Evans, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Accounting
519-253-3000 ext. 3089
Office: OB 412


  • Ph.D.  Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, Social and Behavioural Accounting, 2018.
  • M.Sc.  Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, Social and Behavioural Accounting, 2010.
  • M.B.A.  Brock University, St.Catherines Ontario, CMA Stream, 2009.
  • B.A.  Brock University, St.Catherines Ontario, Kinesiology, 2007.

Employment Experience 

  • Assistant Professor, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor (July, 2016 - Present)
  • Research/Teaching Assistant (student), Alumni Relations, J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University (January, 2009 - December, 2009), Kingston.
  • Research/Teaching Assistant (student), J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen's University (January, 2009 - December, 2009), Kingston.
  • Research/Teaching Assistant (student), Goodman School of Business, Brock University (January, 2008 - December, 2009), St. Catherines.
  • Asset Reliability Technologist - Engineering Department, Stelco - Steel Company of Canada (January, 2003 - December, 2007), Hamilton, Canada.

Honours and Awards 

  • 2018:  CPA Ontario Best Paper contest, CPA Ontario.  Paper title: "Budgeting Practices in Canadian First Nations Settings: A study of their role in the persistence of arbitrary-set social hierarchies". Presented at the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) North American Congress, Toronto, June 2018.



  • Alawattage, C., Arjalies, D., Barrett, D., Bernard, J., J, P., Cho, C., Cooper, C., Denedo, M., Astros, C., Evans, R. et al (2021).  Open accounting: A manifesto.   Accounting Forum, 45 (3).  [June],

  • Evans, R. A., & Salterio, S. E. (2016).  Aboriginal advancement: Lost in accountability.   Smith Magazine, Summer, 16-18.

  • Salterio, S. E., & Evans, R. A. (2016).  Op Ed: Forcing reports to Ottawa undermines First Nations accountability.   Globe and Mail (newspaper), Jan. 4, B4.
  • Evans, R. A. (2016).  Letter of the week: Strategies for our First Nations populations.   The Temiskaming Speaker, April, 5a.
  • Evans, R. A. (2016).  Has First Nation accountability gone M.A.D.?   Journal of Aboriginal Management, 18 (February), 40-42.
  • Evans, R. A. (2015).  The culture of business education and its place in the modern university.   Canadian Journal of Higher Education (CJHE), 45 (4), 229-243.

Conference Proceedings 

  • Evans, R. A. (2010).  ISO 9000 Certification and the Financial Business Performance of Organizations after Implementation.   Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference, Regina, Saskatchewan.


  • Evans, R.A.; Sterling, M. & Keller, W. (2021, October). Indigenous lifeworks: A footing to construct a bridge to moral imagination and ethical business decisions.  International Vincentian Business Ethics, 28th conference, Chicago.
  • Evans, R.A. (2020, January).  History Repeating? The role of accounting in the negotiation of contemporary impact and benefit agreements.  Odette School of Business Brown Bag Research Presentation Series, Invited.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018). The Funding of First Nations: A social hierarchy approach.  Symposium on Indigenous Knowledge, 19th, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018). The effects of external budget controls on First Nations communities in Canada. Indigenous Research Symposium, Queen's Smith School of Business, Toronto Campus, Toronto.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018). Performing accounting research in Indigenous settings: A personal reflection.  Qualitative Accounting Research Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018, July). Budgeting Practices in Canadian First Nations Settings: A study of their role in the persistence of arbitrary-set social hierarchies.  Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018, June). Budgeting Practices in Canadian First Nations Settings: A study of their role in the persistence of arbitrary-set social hierarchies.  Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research - North American Congress, Ryerson University, Toronto.
  • Evans, R. A. (2018, May). Transforming the 'Indian Agent' into the 'Agent who is Indian': Normalizing accountability reporting in contemporary First Nations communities.  Alternative Accounts Conference, HEC Montreal.
  • Evans, R. A. (2017). Transforming the 'Indian Agent' into the 'Agent who is Indian': Normalizing accountability reporting in contemporary First Nations communities. Centre for Social Impact Brown Bag Series, Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, Invited.
  • Evans, R. A. (2017). Transforming the 'Indian Agent' into the 'Agent who is Indian': Normalizing accountability reporting in contemporary First Nations communities. Management Accounting as Social and Organizational Practice workshop, University of Windsor, Invited.
  • Evans, R. A. (2017, October). The funding of First Nations: A social hierarchy approach.  19th Annual Symposium on Indigenous Knowledge, Kingston, Canada.
  • Evans, R. A. (2014). 'Indian Act' Accountability: Cultural shift in the Canadian indigenous context.  Critical Perspectives on Accounting conference: Emerging Scholars Colloquium, York University, Toronto.
  • Evans, R. A. (2014). Reconciling marginalization and integration: Post-colonial theory and the dilemma of Western education systems for Indigenous people.  Decolonizing the Spirit Conference: Indigeneity, Access & Sustainability in Education, 8th Annual, Toronto.
  • Evans, R. A. (2014). Accountability reporting and the persistence of colonial relationships in First Nation communities in Canada.  Indigenous and American Studies - Storytellers of the Americas conference, 10th Annual, University of Buffalo, Amherst, New York.
  • Evans, R. A. (2012). The social and cultural impacts of accountability and transparency initiatives on aboriginal community governance.  Emerging Scholars Colloquium, 2012 Alternative Account conference, University of Laval, Quebec City.
  • Evans, R. A. (2012). The culture of business education and its place in the modern university.  Western Business Management (WBM) conference, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu.
  • Evans, R. A. (2008). Protectionism: Historical perspective and modern realities.  Crossing Borders conference, Brock University, St. Catherines, Canada.
  • Evans, R. A. (2007). How has increased border security and the rise of the Canadian dollar affected tourism and cross-border travel between the United States and Canada?  Crossing Borders conference, University of Buffalo, Amherst, New York.

Grants (Competitive; Funded only) 

  • 2021-2022: Evans, R. & Sterling, M., ($10,000), Reconciliation of indigenous laws and governance practices with the accounting profession: Toward a more inclusive public interest.  CAAA Canada.
  • 2018: Budgeting practices in Canadian First Nations settings ($2,500), CPA Ontario.
  • 2018: Tensions between cultural worldviews and Western calculative accounting techniques in the practice of local First Nations governance ($6,000), Odette School of Business Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) grant.
  • 2016: The individualizing and socializing effects of external accountability demands on indigenous individuals and communities ($13,750), CPA Centre for Governance.
  • 2011: Stakeholder relationships in Aboriginal communities ($3,000), Queen’s University, Kingston.

Professional Service 

  • 2016-Present:  Matachewan First Nation Limited Partnership (MFNLP), Kingston, Canada.
  • 2013-2015:  Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (NCCT) Board Treasurer, Toronto (and vicinity), Canada.
  • 2012-2015:  Aboriginal Professionals Association of Canada (APAC) Board Treasurer, Kingston, Canada.