Guangrui Guo CV

Guangrui Guo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
519-253-3000 ext. 3134
Office: OB 448


  • Ph.D.  University of Miami, Florida, USA, 2015.
  • M.A.  Nankai University, 1992.
  • B.A.  Tsinghua University, 1989.

Employment Experience 

  • Associate Professor, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor (July 2024-Present)
  • Assistant Professor, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor (July, 2016-June 2024)
  • Lecturer, University of Miami (January, 2014 - May, 2014), Miami, Florida.
  • Teaching Assistant, University of Miami (September, 2013 - December, 2013), Miami, Florida.



  • Luo, Y., & Guo, G. (2015). Guanxi. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd Ed., Wiley. 

Journal Articles 

  • Ma, Z., Guo, G., & Jing, L. (2023).  Consumer behavior research in the 21st century: Clusters, themes, and future research agenda.   International Journal of Consumer Studies, 48 (1). [August],

  • Ma, Z., Li, K., Guo, G., Pathak, J., & Song, Y. (2023).  Ethically questionable negotiation strategies in South Asia: A comparative study of India and Pakistan.   Group Decision and Negotiation, [July]
  • Guo, G. (2016).  Demystifying Variance in Performance: A longitudinal multilevel perspective.   Strategic Management Journal, 38, 1327-1342,


  • Guo, G. (2015). Sources and Levels of Competitive Advantage.  Academy of Management 75th Annual conference, August 7-11, Vancouver.
  • Guo, G. (2015, August). Demystifying Variance in Performance: A longitudinal multilevel perspective.  Academy of Management 75th Annual conference, August 7-11, Vancouver.