Professor & Undergraduate Chair
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Dr. Fitzgerald's research is situated at the culture/nature nexus and focuses on the perpetration of harms (criminal and otherwise) by humans against the environment and nonhuman animals. She has interrogated this broad area of inquiry vis-à-vis several topical areas, including the coexistence of animal abuse and intimate partner violence; industrialized animal agriculture; sport hunting culture; the pet food industry; the animal advocacy and environmental movements; animal cruelty laws and investigations; and environmentally-mediated human health risks.
Her work is interdisciplinary, although she draws from and contributes most specifically to the fields of green criminology, (critical) animal studies, environmental sociology, and gender studies.
- PhD, Michigan State University, Sociology
- MA, University of Windsor, Sociology, specializing in Criminology
- BA Honours, University of Windsor, Criminology
Animal Law and Policy Program, Harvard Law School, 2020.
Ongoing Funded Projects:
- 2019-2024: Amy Fitzgerald (PI). The intersection of violence against women and animals in Canadian homes: Developing much-needed research-informed programs and policies. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, $195,000.
- 2019-2024: Daniel Heath (PI). Environmental DNA (“eDNA”), metabarcoding and transcriptional profiling to improve sustainability of freshwater fisheries and fish culture. Genome Canada, $4,000,000.
- 2019-2023: Kendra Coulter (PI). Analysis of Public Investment in Animal Cruelty Investigation Work. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $75,000.
Recent and Key Publications:
- Fitzgerald, Amy, Animal Advocacy and Environmentalism: Understanding and Bridging the Divide, Polity Press, 2018.
- Fitzgerald, Amy, Animals as Food: (Re)connecting production, processing, consumption and impacts, Michigan State University Press, 2015.
- Kalof, Linda; Fitzgerald, Amy (editors), The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings, Berg, 2007.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., Animal Abuse and Family Violence: Researching the Interrelationships of Abusive Power, Mellen Press, 2005.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Spencer, Dale, Governmentality and Environmental Rights: Regulatory Failure and the Volkswagen Emissions Fraud Case, Critical Criminology, forthcoming.
- Gray, Allison; Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Peirone, Amy, Fleeing with Fido: An Analysis of What Canadian Domestic Violence Shelters are Communicating via their Websites about Leaving an Abusive Relationship When Pets are Involved, Journal of Family Violence, 34(4), 287-298, 2019, April, 10.1007/s10896-018-0023-z.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Stevenson, Rochelle; Cheung, Chi Ho, Animal maltreatment in the context of intimate partner violence: A manifestation of power and control?, Violence against Women, 2019, February,
- Taylor, Nik; Fitzgerald, Amy, Understanding animal (ab)use: Green criminological contributions, missed opportunities, and the way forward, Theoretical Criminology, 22, 402-425, 2018, August, Invited.
- Chiles, Robert M.; Fitzgerald, Amy J., Why is meat so important in Western history and culture? A genealogical critique of biophysical and political-economic explanations, Agriculture and Human Values, 35, 1-17, 2018, February.
- Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Peirone, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle; Cheung, Chi, Help-seeking among abused women with pets: Evidence from a Canadian sample, Violence and Victims, 33(4), 604-626, 2018.
- Coulter, Kendra; Fitzgerald, Amy, The Compounding Feminization of Animal Cruelty Investigation Work and Its Multispecies Implications, Gender, Work, and Organizations, 2018.
- Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle, Animal maltreatment as a risk marker of more frequent and severe forms of intimate partner violence, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2018, Article first published online:
- Stevenson, Rochelle; Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty, Keeping pets safe in the context of intimate partner violence: Insights from shelter staff in Canada, Affilia, 33(2), 236-252, 2017.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Shwom, Rachael; Stevenson, Rochelle; Chernyak, Elena, Standardizing the Measurement of Animal Maltreatment in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Development of The Partner’s Treatment of Animals Scale, Anthrozoos, 29(4), 611-625, 2016.
- Spencer, Dale; Fitzgerald, Amy, Criminology, Homo Sapiens, and Animality: Stupidity and the Anthropological Machine, Contemporary Justice Review, 18(4), 407-420, 2015.
- Spencer, Dale; Fitzgerald, Amy, Three Ecologies, Transversality and Victimization: The case of British Petroleum, Crime, Law and Social Change, 59(2), 209-223, 2013.
- Bristow, Lisa; Fitzgerald, Amy J., Global Climate Change and the Industrial Animal Agriculture Link: The Construction of Risk, Society and Animals, 19, 205-224, 2011.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., Doing Time in a Slaughterhouse: A critical review of the use of animals and inmates in prison labor programmes, Journal of Critical Animal Studies, 10, 12-46, 2011.
- Fitzgerald, Amy, The 'Underdog' as 'Ideal Victim'? The Attribution of Victimhood in the 2007 Pet Food Recall, International Review of Victimology, 17(2), 131-157, 2010.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary Implications, Human Ecology Review, 17(1), 58-69, 2010.
- Fitzgerald, Amy, J; Baralt, Lori, Constructing Responsibility for the Production and Mitigation of Environmental Harms: The Case of Mercury-Contaminated Fish, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 52(4), 341-368, 2010.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., 'It's a Horrible Coincidence': Corporate Responsibility and the 2007 Pet Food Recall, Critical Criminology, 17, 195-215, 2009.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J.; Kalof, Linda; Dietz, Thomas, Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of Spillover from 'The Jungle" into the Surrounding Community, Organization and Environment, 22, 158-184, 2009.
- Fitzgerald, Amy, J, 'They Gave Me a Reason to Live': The Protective Effects of Companion Animals on the Suicidality of Abused Women, Humanity and Society, 31(4), 355-378, 2007.
- Dietz, Thomas; Fitzgerald, Amy; Shwom, Rachael, Environmental Values, Annual Review of Environment and Natural Resources, 30, 12.1-12.38, 2005.
- Fitzgerald, Amy, The Emergence of the Figure of 'Woman the Hunter': Equality or Complicity in Oppression?, Women's Studies Quarterly, 33(1&2), 86-104, 2005.
- Kalof, Linda; Fitzgerald, Amy; Baralt, Lori, Animals, Women and Weapons: Blurred Sexual Boundaries in the Discourse of Sport Hunting, Society & Animals, 12, 237-251, 2004.
- Kalof, Linda; Fitzgerald, Amy, Reading the Trophy: Exploring the Display of Dead Animals in Hunting Magazines, Visual Studies, 18, 112-122, 2003.
Book Chapters:
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Stevenson, Rochelle; Fritz, Patti. Domestic violence and animal abuse. Routledge Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse. Devaney, John; Bradbury-Jones, Caroline; Holt, Stephanie; Macy, Rebecca; and Øverlien, Caroline (eds.). Routledge, forthcoming.
- Tourangeau, Wesley; Fitzgerald, Amy, Food crime and Green Criminology, Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology, Second edition, Routledge, forthcoming.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Tourangeau, Wes, Crime versus harm in the transportation of animals: A closer look at Ontario’s ‘pig trial’, A Handbook of Food Crime: Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do about Them, 213-228, Policy Press, 2018, Editors – Hinch, Ronald; Gray, Allison.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle; Verbora, Antonio, Examining Animal Abuse through a Sociological Lens: Theoretical and Empirical Developments, Animal cruelty: A multidisciplinary approach to understanding, Carolina Academic Press, 2016, Editor(s) - Brewster, Mary; Reyes, Cassandra, 2nd.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Taylor, Nik, The Cultural Hegemony of Animal Products and the Animal Industrial Complex, The Rise of Critical Animal Studies, Routledge, 2014, Editor(s) - Taylor, Nik, Twine, Richard.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Pellow, David, Ecological Defense for Animal Liberation: A Holistic Understanding of the World, Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation, 28-48, 2014, Editor(s) - Nocella, Anthony; Sorenson, John; Socha, Kim; Matsuoka, Atsuko.
- Fitzgerald, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle; Verbora, Anthony, Sociological theories of animal abuse, Animal Cruelty and the Criminal Justice System, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, Editor(s) - Brewster, Mary P; Reyes, Cassandra L..
- Fitzgerald, Amy, Imprisoning Nature In Kaltefleiter, Caroline; Nagel, Mechthild; Nocella, Anthony, Prison Abolition: Unchaining Ourselves from U.S. Imperialism, Arissa Media Group, 2012.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., No Longer a Bastion of White Masculinity(?): The Recruitment of -Women and People of Colour into Sport Hunting In Bekoff, Marc, Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, 975-980, Greenwood Publishing, 2007.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., The Animal Question in Sociology In Bekoff, Marc, Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, 955-961, Greenwood Publishing, 2007.
- Fitzgerald, Amy J., Where are the Animals in Environmental Sociology? In Bekoff, Marc, Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, 337-345, Greenwood Publishing, 2007.
Hobbies and Interests:
Running, cycling, vegan cooking and culture.