Political Science at UWindsor

Dr. Sarah Dunphy

Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Windsor

Lecturer, Oakland University and University of Michigan-Dearborn
Email: sarahdunphy17@gmail.com
Phone: +1-519-980-9816

  • Dalhousie University (PhD)
  • McMaster University (MA)
  • Wilfrid Laurier University (BA)

International political economy, international trade and negotiations, international trade law, international relations, comparative politics, economic development, and public policy

Sarah Dunphy is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Oakland University in Michigan where she teaches Comparative Politics as well as a Lecturer in the Social Sciences Department at the University of Michigan-Dearborn where she teaches courses on Canadian and American Politics. In addition, she is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Windsor in Ontario.  Her research interests focus on international political economy, international and Canada-US trade and negotiations, international trade law, international relations, comparative politics, economic development, and public policy.  Recently she has been working on research related to international trade agreements, international trade negotiations, border management and trade compliance.

In 2014 she completed her PhD through Dalhousie University in Political Science with a major in international relations and a minor in comparative politics.  Her dissertation examined the increased role of developing countries in the global trade regime during the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations from 1986 to 1994 when many began to embrace liberal trade policies as a result of the exhaustion of import substitution industrialization. 

Since 2010 she has been a sessional professor at a variety of Canadian universities including: Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Guelph, Dalhousie University and the University of Windsor instructing courses on international relations, international political economy, Government and Business, International Trade, Law and Policy, Canadian politics, Canadian federalism, collaborative federalism, and politics and democracy. She also instructs courses on international trade law, policy and trade compliance in the Cross-Border Institute’s Certificate Program in Border Management and International Trade at the University of Windsor.

In the summer of 2009, she worked as a researcher for a Canadian Senator conducting a ‘Comparative Ports Study’ on why various ports around the world have relocated their facilities or expanded their current operations to meet the demands of global container trade.  These findings were applied to the Port of Halifax to assess the potential political, economic and social implications of moving this port to a new location due to increased trade volumes.

From April 2005 to July 2008 she worked for the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Secretariat at Wilfrid Laurier University of in Waterloo, Ontario assisting the Executive Director and acting as the volunteer coordinator.  Sarah also works as a research analyst for Global TV, a division of Shaw Communications Inc. in Toronto, Ontario, during Canadian federal and provincial elections.  Currently, she periodically provides political commentary for CBC Windsor.

  • Dunphy, Sarah. (Forthcoming 2016). 180: Developing Countries’ About-Face in the Uruguay Round.  Waterloo, Ontario: Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Dunphy, Sarah (2015). Global TV’s 2015 Federal Election Handbook  – Riding Profiles for Canada’s 338 Federal Electoral Districts.  Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Global TV – Shaw Television Limited Partnership, 19 October 2015.
  • Dunphy, Sarah (2015/2016). “Cross-Border Institute’s (CBI) Policy Reports - No. I–XIV.” Cross-Border Institute (CBI). Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Cross-Border Institute (CBI), University of Windsor. March 2015 – March 2016.
  • Dunphy, Sarah. (2015). “Cross-Border Labour Mobility in the Windsor-Detroit Region: The Case of Nurses.” The Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy. Volume 16, Number I, 2015, pp. 14-38.
  • Dunphy, Sarah. (2014). “Cross-Border Labour Mobility in the Windsor-Detroit Region: The Case of Nurses.” CBI Policy Brief. Cross-Border Institute (CBI), University of Windsor. December 2014.
  • Dunphy, Sarah. (2014). “Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade & Export Requirements for Canadian Businesses.” CBI Working Paper Series. Cross-Border Institute (CBI), University of Windsor. March 2014.
  • Dunphy, Sarah. (2013). “180: Developing Countries’ About-Face in the Uruguay Round.” PhD Dissertation. Department of Political Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. December 2013.
  • Anderson, William P. and Sarah M. Dunphy. (2013). “Economic Development Around Intermodal Facilities in Canada.”  Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTFR). 48th Annual Conference. North American Competitiveness in Global Trade: The Role of Transportation. CTRF 2013 Conference Proceedings.  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 9-12 June 2013.
  • Dunphy, Sarah and Finn Laursen. (2012). "The Development of European Union Integration Studies in Political Science in Canada" in Federiga Bindj and Kjell Eliassen, The Development of European Integration Studies in Political Science: An Introduction.  Bologna, Il Mulino Printing House.
  • Dunphy, Sarah. (2011). “Developing Countries’ Influence on the Multilateral Trading System: Opportunity or Misfortune?” (Conference Paper). Multiple Multilateralism. The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).  Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 2-4 June 2011.
  • Dunphy, Sarah (2011). Global TV’s 2011 Federal Election Handbook – Riding Profiles for Canada’s 308 Federal Electoral Districts.  Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Global TV – Shaw Television Limited Partnership, 2 May 2011.
  • Dunphy, Sarah and Finn Laursen. (2010). “The Development of European Integration Studies in Political Science in Canada” (Conference Paper). Wither Europe? European Community Studies Association-Canada (ECSA-C) 8th Biennial Conference. Victoria, British Columbia.  29 April – 1 May 2010.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2009). Thinking Trough Some Options for Canada’s Atlantic Gateway: Comparing Port Relocation Projects in light of Growing Volumes of Global Container Trade. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: The Senate of Canada. September 2009.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2009). “The 20th Annual Maritime Security Conference.” Canadian Naval Review. Volume 5, No. 3.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2008). “The Return of the Humble Tuber: Potatoes, Trade & Microfinance (Conference Paper). The UN and the Global Development Architecture. The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) 21st Meeting at the Gustav Stresemann Institute.  Bonn, Germany. 5-7 June 2008.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2007). “Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All.” ACUNS Informational Memorandum. No. 72.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2007). “International Public Health through Public-Private Partnerships” (Conference Paper). The Study of International Organizations: Past, Present, Future? The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) 20th Anniversary Meeting at the Ralph Bunche Institute, CUNY.  New York, NY, USA.  6-8 June 2007.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2006). “Russia & Central Asia” (Conference Paper). Student Conference on U.S. Affairs   (SCUSA) 58, Challenges to Security: Extremism, Resources & Globalization.  West Point Military Academy (USMA).  West Point, NY, USA.  SCUSA 58: 8-11 November 2006.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2006). “Fair-Trading out of Poverty: Using Microfinance to Break the Cycle of              Underdevelopment” (Conference Paper). Does Multilateralism Still Matter?  The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) 19th Annual Meeting at Pontifica Universidad Católica. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  8-10 June 2006.
  • Dunphy (Hucsko), Sarah. (2005). “Africa in Crisis” (Conference Paper). Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA) 57.  U.S. Responsibility and the Global Community: Interests, Opportunities, and Ethics. West Point Military Academy (USMA).  West Point, NY, USA.  SCUSA 57: 13-16 November 2005.
  • Edgar, Alistair and Sarah Dunphy (Hucsko). (2005). “Reviewing the Millennium Development Goals.” Kitchener-Waterloo Record.