Political Science at UWindsor

Dr. Emmanuelle Richez

Dr. Emmanuelle Richez

Associate Professor

Email: emmanuelle.richez@uwindsor.ca
Phone: 519-253-3000 ext 2395
Office: Chrysler Hall North 1144

Dr. Emmanuelle Richez 

Dr. Richez is Associate Professor of Political Science. She is currently the Vice-Chair of the French public Viamonde school board, as well as trustee for Essex. She is a former member and Chair of the Official Languages Rights Expert Panel of the Court Challenges Program of Canada. Prior to joining the Department, Dr. Richez held a Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société culture postdoctoral fellowship at Concordia University, as well as an Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She also has hands-on political experience serving in various roles at the Québec National Assembly and at the Canadian House of Commons. She holds a Ph.D in Political Science from McGill University, as well as a master’s degree from Université Laval and a B.A. from the University of Ottawa in the same discipline.

For more information, please visit www.emmarichez.ca

Dr. Emmanuelle Richez's research examines law and politics in Canada, with a current focus on first and official language rights. She is involved in several research initiatives. She is writing a book on the history and impact of the Court Challenges Program of Canada. Her other research projects pertain to the determinants of judicial decision-making at the Supreme Court of Canada, Canada's compliance with international law, public signage policy, and the bilingualism of Canadian legislators online.


Dr. Richez is an affiliated researcher at the Centre d'analyse politique - Constitution et Fédéralisme (CAP-CF) at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), an associate member at the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Comparatives sur les Constitutions, les Libertés et l’État (CERCCLE) at the Université de Bordeaux, a research associate at the Centre for Constitutional Law and Legal Studies at the University of British Colombia, and a researcher within the Courts & Politics Research Group.

  • POLS 1000  Intro to Canadian Government and Politics
  • POLS 2045  Issues in Québec Politics (en français)
  • POLS 2140  Legal Process in Canada
  • POLS 3140  Constitutional Law and Politics in Canada
  • POLS 4110  Canadian Politics: Participation and Process
  • POLS 4880  EU Study Abroad Program
  • POLS 8000  Scope & Approaches to Political Science
  • POLS 8210  Canadian Politics: Participation and Process
  • “The Possibility of Constitutional Amendment for Municipal Empowerment.” 2024. Cities and the Constitution : Giving Local Governments in Canada the Power They Need, edited by Alexandra Flynn, Richard Albert, Nathalie Desrosiers. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Bratic, Petar, Special section titled "Harnessing the Untapped Potential of the Canadian Charter/Réaliser le potentiel inexploité de la Charte canadienne" in The Windsor Access to Justice Yearbook, 39, 2023.

  • “L’équivalence réelle en matière d'éducation pour les Franco-colombiens : une lutte sans fin ?” 2022. La Francophonie en Colombie Britannique, edited by Geneviève Brisson and Rémi Léger. Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval (Perspectives de l’Ouest).

  • Stéphanie Chouinard and Emmanuelle Richez. “The Tension Between Freedom of Expression and Language Rights in Canada: The Ford and Devine Legacy after Thirty Years.” 2021. Freedom of Expression in Canada, edited by Emmett MacFarlane. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Allsop, Corinne; Richez, Emmanuelle, Representational Commissions and Policy-making on Indigenous and Women’ Issues: A Case-study of the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party, Canadian Public Administration, 64(1), 51-73, 2021.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle ; Weidl, Émilie, Unité canadienne et justice linguistique : Rétrospective sur le bilinguisme officiel à la Trudeau, 383-408, 2020, Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Intellectual, Political and Constitutional Legacy, Editors - Karazivan, Noura; Leclair, Jean, Lexis nexis. — Reprinted. Unité canadienne et justice linguistique : Rétrospective sur le bilinguisme officiel à la Trudeau, Supreme Court Law Review Second Series 99, 382-408, 2020.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Raynauld, Vincent; Wojcik, Stéphanie, Special issue titled "Les groupes minoritaires et/ou marginalisés à l'ère numérique : pratiques de mobilisation, changements socio-politiques et transformations identitaires" in Terminal: Technologie de l'information, culture & société 2020.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Raynauld, Vincent; Agi, Abunya; Kartolo, Arief B., Unpacking the Political Effects of Social Movements with a Strong Digital Component: The Case of #IdleNoMore in Canada, Social Media + Society, 2020, Special issue on Marginality and Social Media, edited by Katy Pearce, Brooke Foucault-Welles, and Amy Gonzales.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Pandya, Tejas, How to Preserve, to Protect, and to Revitalise Indigenous Languages in Canada: A Consequential Multinational Approach to Federalism In Tremblay, Arjun; Gagnon, Alain-G., Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, Series on Federalism and Internal Conflict.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Raynauld, Vincent, Dynamics of Digital Constituent Outreach and Engagement in Linguistically Divided Societies: A Quantitative Look at the Canadian Case, International Journal of Medial and Cultural Politics, 15(3), 261-281, 2019.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Crandall, Erin, “Judicial Discretion as Political Choice: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Cost Awarding Power,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 51(4), 929-947, 2018.
  • Raynauld, Vincent; Richez, Emmanuelle; Boudreau Morris, Katie, Canada is #IdleNoMore: exploring dynamics of Indigenous political and civic protest in the Twitterverse, Information, Communication & Society 21(4): 626-42, 2018.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle, The Possibilities and Limits of Provincial Constitution-Making Power: The Case of Quebec,, 2016, Constitutional Amendment in Canada, Editor - MacFarlane, Emmett, University of Toronto Press. - Translated and reprinted.  Cinquante déclinaisons du fédéralisme: théories, enjeux et études de cas, 535-548, 2020, Editors Mathieu; Félix; Guénette, Dave Guénette; Gagnon, Alain-G, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle, Losing Relevance: Quebec and the Constitutional Politics of Language, Osgoode Law Journal, 52(1), 191-233, 2015.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Manfredi, Christopher, P., Citizenship and the Canadian Charter, Migration-Regionalisation-Citizenship: Canada and Europe in a Comparative Perspective, 127-150, 2015, Editor(s) - Sarkowsky, Katja; Schultze, Rainer-Olaf; Schwarze, Sabine, Springer.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle, Rights-based Judicial Review and Substantive Equality for Aboriginal Peoples: The Case of Canada, Australian Indigenous Law Review, 17(2), 26-46, 2014.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle, Francophone Minority Communities: The Last Constitutional Standard Bearers of Trudeau's Language Regime, International Journal of Canadian Studies, 45-46: 35-53, 2012.
  • Richez, Emmanuelle; Bodet, Marc André, Fear and Disappointment: Explaining the Persistence of Support for Quebec Secession, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 22(1), 77-93, 2012.
  • Hausegger, Lori; Hennigar, Matthew; Riddell, Troy; Richez, Emmanuelle, Exploring the Links Between Party and Appointment: Canadian Federal Judicial Appointments from 1989 to 2003, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 43(3), 633-659, 2010.