Keyboard: Piano & Organ Faculty

Dr. Philip Adamson teaches piano pedagogy and literature ; and skillsDr. Philip Adamson, Professor Emeritus, Classical Piano

Studio: The Armouries

Dr. Adamson is a professor emeritus and current instructor of piano, piano pedagogy and literature at the University of Windsor. 

Recitalist, recording artist, collaborative musician, orchestral musician, répétiteur, vocal soloist: Philip Adamson’s professional performing experience has been varied and wide-ranging. Born in Victoria, B.C., he earned degrees from the University of British Columbia and Indiana University, studying with Boris Roubakine, Marion Hall, and Kendall Taylor.
Philip Adamson’s solo recitals frequently explore less familiar areas of the repertoire, and he has given first North American performances of several works from the twentieth century British and French piano repertoire. He has performed across Canada and in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe, and has been heard frequently on CBC radio. An album of piano music by the French composer André Jolivet is available on the Centaur label; reviews have commented on his “formidable technical prowess” and “powerful performance.” A second recording project features the music of Frank Bridge, Arnold Bax, and Humphrey Searle.
Formerly a faculty member of Carleton University, the University of Ottawa and the University of Manitoba, Dr Adamson has taught for many years at the University of Windsor.


Jazz/Pop piano special instructor Mr. Michael KarloffMr. Michael Karloff, Special Instructor Jazz / Pop Piano

Studio: The Armouries

Michael Karloff graduated from Wayne State University with a Masters Degree in Jazz Music. He has both performed and had original compositions/arrangements premiered at the Michigan Jazz Festival, Detroit Jazz Festival, Jazz on the River Festival in Trenton and Boblo Island Jazz Festival. He has worked in the pit for over 50 musical theatre productions, and has served as a Music Director for over 20 shows with Windsor Light Music Theatre, The Capitol Theatre, Theatre Intrigue, Lewscrew Productions, Korda Productions, Migration Hall, Windsor Feminist Theatre and St. Clair College. Michael currently works on the Faculty at Wayne State University as director of Jazz Combos. He also works in the Department of Music Theatre Performance at St. Clair College as an accompanist, music director, conductor, pit band arranger/orchestrator and teaches courses in Ear Training and Music Theory. Michael continues to work regularly as a freelance jazz pianist and accompanist, comfortable in any genre of music.



Mr. Alde Calongcagong, Special Instructor, Classical Piano

Studio: The Armouries



Alde Calongcagong obtained his Bachelors of Music in piano performance from the University of Windsor and his Masters of Music at Western University. He has studied piano with Dr. E. Gregory Butler, Ronald Turini, Dr. Philip Adamson and Lorna Cameron.

Alde has also had the opportunity to participate in masterclasses with Jane Coop, Dang Thai Son, Janina Fialkowska and Tom Plaunt.

Alde maintains a successful music studio in the Windsor area and is a member of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association where he served on Provincial Council.  Currently he is the coordinator for the national piano competition (CFMTA).

Many of his students have entered university music programs and have won top prizes and scholarships at local, provincial and national music competitions. Alde has been active as an adjudicator, piano tutor at the Walkerville Centre for the Creative Arts, sessional instructor at the University of Windsor, choral accompanist for both choirs at the university and an examiner for the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Highlights include piano soloist with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra performing Beethoven's Choral Fantasy and recitals at the Glenn Gould Studio and Koerner Hall.