Dr. Sujith Xavier (Barrister and Solicitor, Law Society of Ontario) is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor. His research spans Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), public international law, and domestic public law. Sujith is one of the co-editors of Decolonizing Law: Indigenous, Third World and Settler Perspectives (Routledge Press, 2021) and Third World Approaches to International Law: On Praxis and the Intellectual (London: Routledge, THIRDWORLDS Series, 2017). He is a founding member of the Editorial Collective of Third World Approaches to International Law Review.
Sujith has significant experience working with local grassroots non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka. He was a legal intern with Al-Haq in Ramallah, Palestine. While living in The Hague, Sujith interned with Judge Agius in the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He is active in the legal profession as a non-practicing member of the Law Society of Ontario, and his notable cases include Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov (2019).
In March of 2018, Sujith was the recipient of the University of Windsor Outstanding Faculty Research Award (Emerging Scholars/Researcher). In 2015-2016 & 2022-2023, he was the recipient of the University of Windsor Faculty of Law Students' Law Society Teaching Award for teaching excellence. At Windsor Law, his teaches Administrative Law, Constitutionalism of the Global South, Legal Theory (LL.M.), Public International Law and Race and the Law.