Welcome to the International Student Centre (ISC) at the University of Windsor
Connect with us!
If you are a NEW or RETURNING student looking to travel to Windsor/Canada, please review the following information:
International Arrivals New and Returning Students
The International Student Centre continues to provide support and services as follows:
- General inquiries related to International Student services and supports: isc@uwindsor.ca
- Green Shield (OHIP Equivalent Health Coverage) gship@uwindsor.ca
- Student Exchange exchange@uwindsor.ca
- Study Permit, VISA and Immigration questions: intladvisors@uwindsor.ca
- Tax questions (from February until April 30 of each year): isctax@uwindsor.ca
Many resources are available for current students through ISC's Brightspace site and ask.uwindsor.ca site.
Attention new students: please complete the Soft Landing Arrival Form if you haven't already done so.
International Student Centre
University of Windsor
2nd Floor Laurier Hall
401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
(519) 253-3000 Ext 3938