The word "Problem" crossed out with the word "Solution" underneath.

Booking Calendar Troubleshooting

If you are having difficulties booking one of the instruments, please follow the below guidelines. If you are still having issues after following all of the below steps, please contact Shelby for assistance. 

Note that you will only have access to the booking calendars through your UWindsor email, so ensure that you are not logged into Chrome (or whichever browser you are using) with your personal gmail.

In order to book, you will need to create a Google account for your UWindsor email.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Create Account"
  3. Below "Choose your username," select "I prefer to use my current email address"
  4. Enter your UWindsor email address and fill out the rest of the form. Take note of your password, as it does not have to be the same as your UWindsor password.
  5. Confirm your account
  6. Log into the browser with your UWindsor email address