Welcome to Dramatic Art!

Welcome to the School of Dramatic Art, home to some of the nation's leading theatre programs, taught by award winning faculty, and housed in a state-of-the-art training facility, renowned for its high-quality training of actors, theatre artists, and educators for over 50 years.

Here you'll find all the links you need to connect with our faculty and staff, our facilities, where we've been, and where we are today. Just have a look at the menu to the left of this page, or tap "In This Section" at the top of this page, if you're viewing on a mobile device.

If you have any questions about the school, please contact us:
Email: drama@uwindsor.ca
Phone: 519-253-3000 x2804

About the School

Dramatic Art offers you a welcoming community and a thriving and energized student experience that will challenge and prepare you for a lifelong career as theatre artists, teachers and arts leaders.

Excellence in instruction, together with varied and experimental approaches to teaching create a spirited student-centered environment where potential is nurtured and developed. Experiential learning is at the core of all of our programs providing hands-on learning experience and foundational skill sets that prepare you for a multitude of career choices in the theatre industry and related professions. You'll dive right into the production of theatre in your first year by contributing to our six show season produced by University Players, the school’s theatre company.  Relatively small classes and easy access to professors make possible the kind of personalized attention and individualized approach to studies that provide an unforgettable university experience.

Is the School of Dramatic Art closing?

No, the School of Dramatic Art (SoDA) is not closing. The service unit, the University Players, within the academic unit has ceased operations and is not mandatory for the operation of the school's programming to continue.

Why was University Players closed?

University Players, a service unit that has complemented the School’s academic programs, faced financial challenges as salaries and operating costs consistently outpaced the revenue generated by performances by more than $1 million per year. It is simply not financially viable. These necessary realignments allow the University to address financial challenges and prioritize spending on our academic programs, such as those delivered by faculty members in the School of Dramatic Art. Faculty in the School will continue to pursue vibrant and robust programming that prioritizes experiential learning for current and future students.

Will the closure of University Players affect my ability to graduate?

No, the cessation of University Players will not affect your ability to graduate. We are committed to ensuring that all students continue to receive the necessary credits and experiential learning opportunities required for graduation. Alternative programming and updated course offerings will be provided to meet these needs.

How will my academic experience be affected by the closure?

Faculty within the School of Dramatic Art are actively developing new programming and updating course offerings for the 2024/2025 academic year to ensure that you continue to have meaningful experiential learning opportunities. Interdisciplinary collaborations and new initiatives within the university and the broader theatre community will enhance your educational experience. Enhanced Works-in-Progress style performances with audiences from the public will take place in the Hatch Studio Theatre. Students will continue to have access to costumes, props, set pieces, lighting, and sound, and will receive necessary credits, including DRAM 4530 and DRAM 3500.

What alternative opportunities will be available for experiential learning?

We are committed to exploring and developing alternative opportunities within our programming to ensure you still have meaningful avenues for experiential learning. This includes changes to programming, interdisciplinary collaborations, and new initiatives within the university and the broader theatre community. We are confident that these opportunities will provide the necessary experiential learning experiences for all students. For instance, enhanced Works-in-Progress style performances and other performance and production opportunities are being investigated.

Will there be changes to the course offerings for the 2024/2025 academic year?

Yes, we are updating our course offerings for the 2024/2025 academic year to include additional courses that will support your academic progress and experiential learning. These updates are part of our commitment to ensure that your educational experience remains robust and comprehensive.

What should I do if I have concerns about my academic progress or graduation?

If you have any concerns about your academic progress or graduation, please reach out to your academic advisor or the School of Dramatic Art administration. We are here to support you and provide the necessary guidance to ensure your academic success.

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact:

Email: drama@uwindsor.ca
Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 2804

Our Mission

The mission of the School of Dramatic Art is to provide an expanding and vital cultural resource to the University and to the community. The School fosters collaboration among students, faculty and staff in the pursuit of artistic development, education and creative/scholarly activity of the highest quality. Excellence in instruction, together with varied and experimental approaches to the teaching of theatre artists and educators create a spirited student-centred environment where potential is nurtured.

Our Vision

We see a quality driven cultural/educational school dedicated to providing excellence in training and education in drama and theatre and that addresses the cultural, individual, and social needs and realities of diverse communities. We see a school that delivers programs that offer degrees that prepare the individual for performance, educational drama and theatre production while identifying, exploring, and supporting options of pursuits of its faculty, staff, and students and the needs of the greater community. We see a school that fosters collaboration and mentorship among students, faculty, staff and artists in the pursuit of artistic development, education and creative/scholarly activity of the highest quality.

We see this pursuit of excellence related to the support of faculty, staff, and artists who have acquired basic skill and knowledge, who devote a significant proportion of their energies to practicing their art and scholarly work and who are acknowledged as peers by others working in their field.

We see a school entrusted by the University, to provide excellence in training and education without bias or discrimination.

We see ourselves as active citizens in performance, educational drama, and theatre production by belonging to, participating in, associating with, and developing a scholarly/creative community.

We see ourselves as encouraging and supporting the pursuit and development of new, emerging, and innovative challenges in the artistic and scholastic community of a changing world while also recognizing and supporting our own artistic and scholastic history and traditions. We see ourselves continuing to offer opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, performance, productions and able to meet the changing needs of faculty, staff, students and community.

We see a mutually supportive community environment that recognizes and encourages building upon our strengths and history of excellence in teaching, creative activity and service to the community.

We see a commitment to a global perspective and sensibility.

Please consider donating to SODA.

Your support can be Dramatic!

When you support the School of Dramatic Art, your gift makes an impact. Making a contribution to the School of Dramatic Art helps to provide students with the tools for a great education, one that helps them develop their unique talents and establish their place in the world. You may choose to support the following needs or specify another designation of your choice:

  • Student Scholarships

  • Student Performances

  • Facilities Expansion

  • Dramatic Art Endowment Fund

You can also choose to have a direct influence on University Players productions by choosing to become a member of University Players.

Your gift will help bright young talents grow and thrive. Please remember, all gifts are tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt.

To support Dramatic Art, use the secure online form at www.uwindsor.ca/donations
Please remember to designate your donation to the School of Dramatic Art in the appropriate place on the form.

Academic Programs     Apply to Dramatic Art

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